Look at this picture of some of the blokes in class. Notice they are all different builds, heights, weights.
The pose that the guys are executing is called Warrior 2. Cast your eye along the line and notice how each fellas front leg is bent slightly differently to the next guys leg. The more you bend at the knee, the more you open the hips, the more you stretch the Quadriceps and tone the buttocks, so it depends how flexible you are to how far you can sink down into the pose. The point I’m trying to make is that yoga is for every body type and your level of flexibility. Most poses can be altered to suit the individual. So, start off easy, and gradually over the coming weeks and months you’ll notice a difference in your body and you’ll sink further into each pose as you strengthen and lengthen your muscles. As a special for all blokes new to YogaJak, I’m offering a 5 class pass for $20. So register here And I’ll send you the link for the pass. See you on the mat. Cheers Steve |